Saturday 2 October 2010

The Bishop, the Vatican and Holocaust Denial

Do you recognise this man? No, he is not part of the Pope's entourage during the recent Papal visit. He is a British Catholic clergyman - Bishop Richard Williamson of of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). The Bishop is very much a traditionalist Catholic clergyman; like others in the SSPX, he is opposed to the modernisation of Catholicism and wants a return to traditional values (he is said to oppose the outfits worn by female tennis players - SEE HERE). This is not a crime, whatever views we may have. What is of concern about the Bishop is that, in common with David Irving and neo-Nazis everywhere, he is a Holocaust denier.In a written bulletin to SSPX members, he asserted:"The fact is that the 6 million people who were supposedly gassed represent a huge lie".  These views of his are well enough known, as is the fact that the Vatican and (praise God) most Catholics reject his views. Bishop Williamson was excommunicated in 1988, but was welcomed back into the fold of the Church in 2009. The present Pope wants to heal rifts, it seems. I suppose that is understandable, and at least the Pontiff did not not call in on Bishop Williamson for afternoon tea while visiting the UK. For me, this whole matter raises yet again the spectre of the Vatican's wartime stance on the Holocaust. What, I wonder, was the exact nature of the relationship between the Vatican and the Nazis? This is a huge subject, with much material written about it - SEE HERE. The wartime Pope - Pius XII - was a rabid anti-communist and, during his tenure, many war criminals escaped justice by fleeing Europe after 1945 on Vatican passports. This is not to say that Pius XII was involved; he seems not to have noticed. On the other hand, even his sternest critics praise him for hiding Jews in the Vatican during German round-ups in 1943/4. The jury is still out, and I'm not on the jury.
  What I can say, though, is that Bishop Williamson would almost certainly not have hidden any Jews. He has described them as "the enemies of Christ", and he believes the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" ( a well-known anti-semitic forgery) to be genuine. I wonder if this will lead to mass conversions to Catholicism among the extreme Right?


  1. I don't think it strengthens your point to have links to Zionist websites. We're then merely exchanging one brand of propaganda for another.

    The Holocaust still has the capacity to provoke strong feelings, and rightly so: it was an attempt to wipe out a whole religion. What's happening to the Palestinian people now also provokes strong feelings - again, rightly so. But we will never understand either history or current events if we treat extremely biassed sources as impartial evidence.

  2. All historical sources have bias - even the ones we agree with. I did not quote any Zionist website or book, I merely pointed out that there is a great amount of written material about the relationship between the Nazis and the Vatican, and the website I chose exemplifies this. I hope this clarifies matters - I was not discussing the palestinian issue.

  3. Perhaps, but one of the links I clicked on (the American-Israeli Co-operative Enterprise) is, in my view, Zionist in its analysis and approach about both historical and current events. If I wanted a dispassionate view of, say, British history, I wouldn't rely on a website run by the Conservative Party.

  4. Nev - here is another link you can try:
    This might also interest you:

  5. Holocaust deniers are scum, who always have their own personal agenda. I watched a documentary about Auschwitz and an old Nazi who had worked there was interviewed. He was completely unrepentant, and said he had come out to report what had happened in the death camps because he was sick of people denying the holocaust had happened. He viewed his work as extremely unpleasant but absolutely necessary, and he wasn't going to let neo-nazis deny that it had taken place.

    Holocaust deniers completely scuppered by a proud holocaust perpetrator. The vile denying the vile.
